App Development

Who is a mobile app developer

A mobile developer is a specialist who creates software applications for mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, smart watches, e-books and other portable gadgets). A good developer must understand more than just programming. Erudition in UX\UI, business logic, prototyping – all this distinguishes an enthusiast with great prospects in life from a person who only exchanges his time for money.

In the BBC ranking, programmers and IT developers are among the top 5 most in-demand professions in the world. They were only beaten by nurses, mechanical engineers, doctors and electrical engineers.

Every year, the growth in sales through applications on smartphones and tablets is increasing, and with it, the need for highly qualified developers continues to grow. Therefore, the digital environment, which is in the process of becoming, is experiencing a shortage of good specialists.

The development of the mobile application market will make this shortage even more acute. Therefore, if you have been eyeing this profession for a long time, now is the time to start taking the first steps in development – you will definitely not be left without work.

What are the prospects for mobile development

Today, there are 5 billion smartphones for every 5.5 billion people on the planet over the age of 14. On average, each has 35 apps installed. In total, 204 billion applications were downloaded by users in 2019.

Mobile Internet outstripped the stationary one in terms of the number of users four years ago. The mobile development market as a whole has grown by 40% in 2021, and there is no reason to expect a decline in numbers. On the contrary, the sphere of mobile systems and mobile development is actively involved in global economic processes.

What does a mobile app developer do?

This is a specialist who develops applications for various kinds of mobile devices. In addition to direct programming, he often communicates with other product departments, tests various forms and stages of creating an application, conducts a final review and uploads to the required platforms.

What tasks does a mobile developer solve

The roles and tasks of the developer directly depend on the area of ​​his responsibility, which was determined by the manager. Most often, a new application is created according to the terms of reference from, for example, a product manager. In this case, the executing developer discusses the terms and progress of work on the project with colleagues, coordinates all stages of creating the application, and adapts it to the necessary sites.

Sometimes the work of a mobile developer is completely creative: the idea of ​​a new application comes either from himself or from other employees, but without a clear TOR. This is a more complex form of cooperation in which the developer is the leader. He not only codes, but also delegates tasks to colleagues, monitors the quality of their implementation, gives advice, conducts code reviews.

What are the trends in mobile development

It’s almost impossible to find a “Developer” vacancy: it will always be with some kind of prefix that defines the functionality and area of ​​responsibility of the employee on the project. The world of mobile development is also vast and diverse, for example, development for Android and iOS are two parallel universes. The learning process will be more productive if you already at the initial stage decide on the direction you want to master.

There are two main areas in mobile development:

1. According to the purpose of the product being developed:

  • games;
  • business applications;
  • social applications;
  • applications based on the operation of sensors and IoT in general (navigation, physiological, etc.);

application of neural networks.

 2. According to the technical parameters and the platform for which the application is being developed:

  • Android apps
  • cross-platform applications;
  • iOS applications;

What is the salary of a mobile developer

The vast majority of mobile application developers choose this profession for quite mundane reasons: the specialty is considered one of the highest paid and promising. In addition, this is really the point of application of efforts that will help to get the maximum result, and now we are not talking about money, but about the scale of projects and impact on the world.

No one will be able to give an exact average figure to the question about the fee – everything varies greatly depending on the professionalism of the specialist, the level of the company in which he works, and the region.

As a person who worked at IT company in the entire “ladder” of positions, from a layout designer to an architect and a manager, I can say that the person who came to development by hanging a similar table with fees over the bed is the last person I myself would like to see in to your team. Money is a bad motivator in any business, and even more so in such a progressive one as mobile development. Money is a reward for the result, not the purpose of the work.

If you are not driven by the idea of ​​changing the world with this, then it is better to spend your energy not on learning programming languages, but on something simpler, for example, smearing sleepers with creosote. Because a really cool product is obtained when people who are in love with their work and inspired by a big idea work on them. At least that’s how it works in our company. Work should first of all bring pleasure and self-realization.

The career ladder of a developer in many IT companies is quite multi-stage and allows you to develop both in a managerial and technical way. The first involves usually vertical growth: you can grow from a junior to a team leader in an average of five years. The second prioritizes not so much managerial positions as an increase in technical expertise. Employees who do not aspire to become managers can grow professionally and horizontally, developing on different projects and platforms.

App Development

What is the difference between mobile app development and software development?

What is the Difference Between Mobile App Development and Software Development?

The world of technology is ever-evolving. Mobile applications and software both play a major role in our daily lives, but what is the difference between the two? Mobile app development and software development may seem similar, but there are actually quite a few differences between them.

Mobile app development is a process of creating mobile applications meant to run on smartphones and tablets. Mobile apps are designed to provide users with specific functions, such as gaming, entertainment, news, and even shopping. Mobile apps are developed specifically for mobile devices and therefore must be tailored to fit the small screens and limited memory of these devices.

Software development, on the other hand, is the process of creating computer programs and applications. Software development is typically done for desktop and laptop computers, although it can also be used to create mobile applications. Software development is a much more comprehensive process than mobile app development, and typically requires a larger team of developers.

The main difference between mobile app development and software development is the platform they are designed for. Mobile app development is focused on creating applications that are tailored to the specific hardware and software of mobile devices, while software development is focused on creating applications that are tailored to desktop and laptop computers.

Another difference between mobile app development and software development is the development process. Mobile apps typically require a shorter development cycle than software applications. This is because mobile apps are typically less complex and require fewer features than software applications. Additionally, mobile app development often involves a simpler user interface, as mobile devices have much smaller screens than desktop and laptop computers.

The cost of developing a mobile app or software application can also vary significantly. Mobile apps typically require a smaller budget than software development due to the shorter development cycle and simpler user interface. However, software development can be more expensive due to the larger team of developers and more complex features.

Finally, the maintenance of mobile apps and software applications can also be different. Mobile apps typically require less maintenance than software applications, as mobile devices are often updated automatically. Software applications, on the other hand, require more frequent maintenance and updates, as they are not always updated automatically.

In conclusion, while mobile app development and software development may seem similar, there are actually quite a few differences between them. Mobile app development is focused on creating applications tailored to the specific hardware and software of mobile devices, while software development is focused on creating applications tailored to desktop and laptop computers. Additionally, the development process, cost, and maintenance of mobile apps and software applications can vary significantly.

App Development

Which software is best for mobile app development?

Which Software is Best for Mobile App Development?

The mobile application market is growing rapidly, with more and more businesses and individuals looking to create and launch their own mobile applications. But with so many different software platforms available, it can be difficult to decide which one is the best for mobile app development. This article will provide an overview of the different software platforms available and their pros and cons, to help you make the best decision for your project.

Native Mobile App Development

Native mobile app development is the process of developing an app specifically for a particular mobile operating system, such as iOS or Android. Native apps are written in the language and frameworks of the target platform, which gives them access to all of the device’s features and allows them to run more efficiently. However, native apps can be expensive to develop and require specialized development skills.

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

Cross-platform mobile app development is the process of creating an app that can run on multiple mobile operating systems. This is accomplished by using a platform-independent language such as HTML, JavaScript, or C#, which can be compiled into native code for each platform. Cross-platform apps can be faster and easier to develop than native apps, but they may not have access to all of the device’s features and can be more difficult to maintain.

Hybrid Mobile App Development

Hybrid mobile app development is a combination of native and cross-platform development. It uses native code to access certain device features, while the bulk of the app is written in a platform-independent language. This allows developers to take advantage of the best of both worlds and create apps that run on multiple platforms while still having access to the device’s features.


When deciding which software platform to use for mobile app development, it’s important to consider your project’s requirements and budget. Native apps provide the best performance and access to device features, but can be expensive and require specialized skills. Cross-platform apps can be faster and cheaper to develop, but may not have access to all of the device’s features. Hybrid apps can offer the best of both worlds, but require more development time and effort. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on your specific project needs.

App Development

Can I learn mobile development on my own?

Can I Learn Mobile Development on My Own?

Are you interested in learning mobile development, but don’t know if it’s feasible to do so on your own? Mobile development is a valuable skill that can open up a range of job opportunities, but it can be a complicated and time-consuming endeavor. This article will discuss the process of learning mobile development on your own, so you can decide whether self-learning is the best option for you.

What Is Mobile Development?

Mobile development is the process of creating software applications for mobile devices. These applications, or “apps,” are designed to perform specific tasks on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile development can include creating games, business applications, and online tools for mobile platforms.

Is It Possible to Learn Mobile Development on My Own?

Yes, it is possible to learn mobile development on your own. With the right resources and dedication, you can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to create your own mobile applications.

What Do I Need To Get Started?

The first step in learning mobile development is to decide which platform you want to focus on. The two most popular platforms are iOS and Android, but there are other platforms available such as Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and HTML5. Once you’ve chosen a platform, you’ll need to learn the fundamentals of programming, such as syntax and basic data structures. You may also want to learn a specific programming language, such as Java or Objective-C, depending on the platform you’ve chosen.

What Resources Are Available?

Fortunately, there are a variety of resources available to help you learn mobile development. You can find books, tutorials, online courses, and even online communities that can provide guidance and support. Additionally, many platforms offer their own development tools and SDKs (software development kits) that can make it easier to create apps.

How Much Time Will It Take To Learn?

The amount of time it will take to learn mobile development depends on your experience level and the amount of time you can dedicate to studying. If you have some experience with programming, you may be able to learn the fundamentals of mobile development in a few months. However, if you are starting from scratch, it could take up to a year to become proficient in mobile development.


Learning mobile development on your own is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. With the right resources and dedication, you can learn the fundamentals of mobile development and create your own applications. Whether you’re looking to enter the professional world of mobile development or just want to create your own apps, learning mobile development on your own is an attainable goal.

App Development

Is mobile app development easy?

Is Mobile App Development Easy?

As more businesses move towards the mobile market, the need for mobile app development grows. With the increased demand, many people are asking themselves, “Is mobile app development easy?” The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the complexity of the app and the skills of the developer.

What is Mobile App Development?

Before we can answer the question of “Is mobile app development easy?” we must first understand what it is. Mobile app development is the process of creating applications that are designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. The app typically consists of a graphical user interface (GUI) and the app’s code, which is written in a programming language such as Java, Objective-C, or Swift.

How Easy Is Mobile App Development?

At first glance, mobile app development appears to be relatively straightforward. However, the complexity of the app and the skills of the developer will ultimately determine how easy it is. For example, if the developer is inexperienced, it can take longer to develop the app, resulting in a more complex and involved process.

On the other hand, an experienced developer can quickly build an app that is relatively simple to use and understand. As the complexity of the app increases, the difficulty of development increases as well. Additionally, platforms such as Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android have their own unique development requirements which must be followed.

What Skills Are Necessary for Mobile App Development?

In order to answer the question of “Is mobile app development easy?” it is important to understand the skills that are necessary for successful mobile app development. A developer must have a good understanding of the programming language used to develop the app and must be familiar with the development environment and tools.

Additionally, a developer should have a basic understanding of the mobile platform on which the app will be deployed. For example, if the app is being developed for iOS, the developer should have a basic understanding of the iOS development environment.


In conclusion, the answer to the question of “Is mobile app development easy?” depends on the complexity of the app and the skills of the developer. While a basic understanding of the development environment and tools is essential, an experienced developer can quickly create a relatively simple app. However, as the complexity of the app increases, the difficulty of development increases as well.

App Development

Is Python used in mobile development?

Is Python Used in Mobile Development?

Mobile development is the process of creating applications for mobile devices and tablets. With the ever-increasing number of mobile devices and tablets, the demand for mobile development has grown exponentially. As one of the most popular programming languages, Python is often asked if it is used in mobile development. The answer to this question is yes; Python can be used to create mobile applications.

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It is a popular language for software development, and has an expansive library of modules that developers can use when creating software.

Python is a great language for mobile development because it is easy to read and write. It also has a wealth of libraries and frameworks that make it possible to create a wide variety of applications. Python is also cross-platform, meaning that the same code can be used to develop applications for multiple platforms.

Python is used to create mobile applications in two ways. The first is using a framework like Kivy. Kivy is a Python library that is specifically designed for mobile development. It allows developers to create applications for both Android and iOS. It supports a wide range of features and is easy to use.

The second way to use Python for mobile development is to create web applications. Web applications are applications that are designed to be accessed from a web browser. They are often used for data-driven applications and can be used to create interactive experiences. Python is a great language for creating web applications because it is powerful and flexible.

Python is also used for creating games for mobile devices. Python is a great language for game development because it is easy to use and has a wide range of libraries and frameworks that make it possible to create a variety of games. Python is used to create games for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.

In conclusion, Python is a great language for mobile development. It is easy to read and write, and has a wide range of libraries and frameworks that make it possible to create a variety of applications. Python is also cross-platform, meaning that the same code can be used to develop applications for multiple platforms. It is also used for creating web applications and games for mobile devices.