App Development

What mistakes junior mobile app developers make

In a profession that is still new to the world, many are groping, learning both from their own and from the mistakes of others. Already successful specialists are happy to share their fakups at the start. So they remind that recently they were also newcomers, and this did not interfere with their career, because the main thing is to work on mistakes.

The failures of novice developers and their major blunders can be divided into two categories: professional and personal.

Among the professionals:

  • obsession with one programming language and unwillingness to learn others;
  • ignoring the fundamentals of programming in pursuit of the latest development trends;
  • misunderstanding of market conditions and consumer needs;

the absence of “vents” – non-work projects that allow you to hone your skills and apply all your skills, but at the same time are a kind of entertainment (creating a mini-game for a child or working on a new idea for a startup).

 Among the common ones:

  • unreasonable perfectionism, sometimes the best is really the enemy of the good;
  • reluctance to seek help from more experienced colleagues;
  • excessive enthusiasm for ready-made solutions and lack of creative thinking;
  • fear of error and criticism;
  • ignoring the physiological needs of the body, sleep and rest, which often lead to burnout and stress.

What is the future of mobile development

Experts note the exponential nature of the development of the field of mobile systems in general and the development of applications in the first place. Even 10 years ago, the world of mobile devices, their functionality and role in the lives of users were radically different from the picture that we see today.

The average time a smartphone owner spends today with their gadget is four hours. And those who read this article – even more. Less than half of this time is occupied by direct communication – something that once began the history of mobile communications.

Mobile devices are no longer about communication or entertainment. The expansion of functionality and optimization of technologies has turned gadgets into an integral part of life. What makes them important and indispensable is precisely the “stuffing” – those functional applications that educate, develop, solve problems, soothe and entertain, inform, help monitor your health, spend and earn.

Study findings

A study for 2021 confirmed that the digital economy is gaining momentum and is increasingly affecting related industries. And take a closer look at the trends – they still contain the same results of the work of mobile developers:

  • distribution of chatbots, digital assistants and VR;
  • development of machine learning and artificial intelligence;
  • ubiquitous gamification;
  • multifunctionality and the desire of applications for super-formats of ecosystems and universal services that combine several applications for different purposes.

Dive into the intricacies of the mobile is now not only interesting, but also very practical. And if the pandemic has instilled in you a desire for self-development, you know which course to enroll in soon.

With understanding for yourself

To begin with, it is worth saying that self-doubt, fear, excitement, self-flagellation and sweaty palms, in a situation where we are dealing with something unknown, are characteristic of even the most brutal of us. I do not like generalizations of this kind, because they are not very representative, but I have not yet known a person in my life who would not doubt himself when embarking on something new. So the first step is to treat all this emotional turbulence with understanding. Enlist the support of loved ones, be patient with your own clumsiness, think less about what everyone else is doing, what they look at every step under a microscope, and, most importantly, do not forget to apply moisturizer to your face before bed.

Look around the area

It is important to note that the context of assignment is different for everyone. Someone gets a promotion in a department in which they previously worked. Someone moves to an adjacent unit. Someone generally flies into the stratosphere of another company. All these cases have their own characteristics, which I cannot describe here, with all my desire, which I do not have. From the obvious for people getting into the new scenery, it is worth working out everything possible about the culture of the company or new division, find out about the experience of the predecessor, if there was one, about the strategy and goals of the company or new division.

Don’t Cling to Expertise

Did you grow out of a project role? Most importantly, do not focus frantically on your past expertise. Here the situation is quite paradoxical, because on the one hand, you were promoted for being good at coding/analyzing/drawing/testing/writing/substituting your own, on the other hand, you have to do something in which you have no expertise.

In a situation where there is no solid ground under their feet, people often begin to cling to what they are sure of. In some cases, this leads to overcontrol in the field of expertise and the collapse of all other processes.

Of course, expertise is great and it will definitely help. It’s important not to let her get hurt. Between understanding the process, mentoring, awareness of risks on the one hand and hyper-custody and micromanagement on the other, there is a difference, at the price of a position.

My boss is my friend

It is important to understand the goals of the leader and how your product contributes to these goals. What specific metrics are important for the common, so to speak, good.

It is important from the first days to interview the boss on the subject:

His expectations from you, as from a newly minted leader.

Understand how he sees the image of the result of the team’s work. Goals, key metrics. How do these goals and metrics fit into the overall KPI’s of the department (and, for the most inquisitive, of the entire company as a whole). Here for self-study, if this is your case, the methodology for calculating the goals of the product. If you come to a product with already approved goals, it is very important to understand on the shore how these goals were calculated and got on board, and most importantly, what you are signing up for.

What risks, in his opinion, are inherent in this particular area of ​​work.

Who does he consider key stakeholders. What are the main features of working with them.

If the boss is immersed in the vicissitudes of the personnel issue, ask for feedback on people. In the same box office – an understanding of maneuvers for growth and remuneration of employees (it would not be bad to understand what opportunities there are for motivating people besides a “friendly team” and a “promising company”)

What happened to your predecessor? Right here with all the consequences. If expelled, then why. If he left on his own, how did he justify it? If he was promoted, then for what?

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